Monday, December 17, 2012

My Top Five villains I Would Like to See in the Next Batman Game


5. Firefly

Firefly is one of the lesser know villians in the batman
universe but he is also one of the coolest. In Batman Arkham City
there is an easter egg (above) that shows that he has escaped.
 I think that Firefly would be really fun and interesting as a side mission
Where maybe Firefly just blew up somthing and you need to investigate
and scan the area.

4. Prometheus

Prometheus is also one of the more lesser known
vilians but can also give batman one of the biggest
fight of his life. I feel that Prometheus would make a
great major villain in the the next game because in my
eyes he is evil version of batman because of his combat
skills and deadly arsenal of gadgets

3. Blask Mask

Black Mask is a very skilled villain who
I feel should have a bigger role in the Batman
games.  He is skilled , a mob boss in the crime
world of Gotham and has a burning hatred
for batman because he blames him for melted
mask on his face because of a battle thay had
 in the past.

2. Hush

Thomas Elliot is a very skilled sergent who has killed
many victims to generate the right skin features to
make him look exactly Bruce Wayne. During the side
mission Identity Theft You go around investigating
murder victims that have had there faces cut of and
patched up. After you investigate enough you find
his hideout and figure out whou he is and what is a
plan is. Sadly though you dont get to fight or stop him
because he has locked you in his hideout, but that
fight is for the next game.

1. Manbat

Manbat is definetly one of my favorite villains
in all of Batman and I think that if Rocksteady
included Manbat in the next game it would me
incredible. Manbat would could give Batman
one of the toughest fights of his life in a hand
 to hand combat fight or there could be
aerial parts of the game where you would have
to chase manbat by gliding through the air.

Thank you for reading article.
 Also there
could be parts in the game where

Friday, December 7, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises: Who is the New Superhero of Gotham


During the new Batman movie The Dark Night Rises there are some very controversal moments that happen that may make a true batman fan go either crazy or very relieved about the endind of the movie.

Bane is the main villain sinister, ferocios and not afraid to do anything to get whatever he wants. He forced Dr. Pavel to make a nuclear bomb that would blow up Gotham, but Batman flies in on his new vehicle called the Bat and
defeats Bane once and for all. Then Batman
Quicly takes the nuclear time bomb with only Ten
seconds left and flies all the way out of the city before
the bomb would devastate gotham and its people living
 there. After he saves the city it apears that the bomb had
taken the heros life while saving the city. But it did not
and Bruce Wayne and Selina kyle fled to France to
start a new, fresh life together.

So To Answer the Main Question: Who is the New Superhero of Gotham

It appears that John Blake new that Batman was Bruce
Wayne and at the ending of the movie he discovers the
 Bat cave. Also his real legal name was Robin John Blake.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Did Scarecrow Really Die?

During Batman Arkham Asylum Batman chases Scarcrow down into the sewers and killer croc comes and and grabs Scarecrow then dives back into the water. That is the last we see of Scarecrow. Also during an alternate ending of Batman Arkam Asylum we can see scarecrow climb up a Titan box in the river. During Arkham City There is an easter egg of  Scarecrows mask on the ground. ( Riddle: If your scared, dont be afraid to crow about it) Also there is fear gas containers in varios parts of the city. And there are strange radio transmissions that are belived to be from Scarecrow that say revenge plans like City of Fear. But yet we have not seen any physical apearance of the Scarecrow since the inccident
 with  Killer Croc back at the asylum.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Rocksteady Making a Prequel for Batman?

 Rumor has it that rocksteady is going to make a prequel of Batman Arkham city Featuring the silver age of where it first began between the Joker and Batman's first meeting together. I think that this is a awesome idea for The batman games but I also feel that this is a little too sonn for a prequel and that there is way too many unanswered questions about the future of arkham. For example, What happened with Hush and Bruce wayne.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Young Justice: Legacy

This is another new game coming from Dc and this game features the future of dc universe and its up to all of the new, young and upcoming super heros to save the world from Riddler, Bane, Killer Frost, and blockbuster. Some playable super heros are Beast Boy, Robin Nightwing, Miss Martian and Super Boy. Most of the newer super heros are the children of the more known super heros.