Monday, December 17, 2012

My Top Five villains I Would Like to See in the Next Batman Game


5. Firefly

Firefly is one of the lesser know villians in the batman
universe but he is also one of the coolest. In Batman Arkham City
there is an easter egg (above) that shows that he has escaped.
 I think that Firefly would be really fun and interesting as a side mission
Where maybe Firefly just blew up somthing and you need to investigate
and scan the area.

4. Prometheus

Prometheus is also one of the more lesser known
vilians but can also give batman one of the biggest
fight of his life. I feel that Prometheus would make a
great major villain in the the next game because in my
eyes he is evil version of batman because of his combat
skills and deadly arsenal of gadgets

3. Blask Mask

Black Mask is a very skilled villain who
I feel should have a bigger role in the Batman
games.  He is skilled , a mob boss in the crime
world of Gotham and has a burning hatred
for batman because he blames him for melted
mask on his face because of a battle thay had
 in the past.

2. Hush

Thomas Elliot is a very skilled sergent who has killed
many victims to generate the right skin features to
make him look exactly Bruce Wayne. During the side
mission Identity Theft You go around investigating
murder victims that have had there faces cut of and
patched up. After you investigate enough you find
his hideout and figure out whou he is and what is a
plan is. Sadly though you dont get to fight or stop him
because he has locked you in his hideout, but that
fight is for the next game.

1. Manbat

Manbat is definetly one of my favorite villains
in all of Batman and I think that if Rocksteady
included Manbat in the next game it would me
incredible. Manbat would could give Batman
one of the toughest fights of his life in a hand
 to hand combat fight or there could be
aerial parts of the game where you would have
to chase manbat by gliding through the air.

Thank you for reading article.
 Also there
could be parts in the game where

Friday, December 7, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises: Who is the New Superhero of Gotham


During the new Batman movie The Dark Night Rises there are some very controversal moments that happen that may make a true batman fan go either crazy or very relieved about the endind of the movie.

Bane is the main villain sinister, ferocios and not afraid to do anything to get whatever he wants. He forced Dr. Pavel to make a nuclear bomb that would blow up Gotham, but Batman flies in on his new vehicle called the Bat and
defeats Bane once and for all. Then Batman
Quicly takes the nuclear time bomb with only Ten
seconds left and flies all the way out of the city before
the bomb would devastate gotham and its people living
 there. After he saves the city it apears that the bomb had
taken the heros life while saving the city. But it did not
and Bruce Wayne and Selina kyle fled to France to
start a new, fresh life together.

So To Answer the Main Question: Who is the New Superhero of Gotham

It appears that John Blake new that Batman was Bruce
Wayne and at the ending of the movie he discovers the
 Bat cave. Also his real legal name was Robin John Blake.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Did Scarecrow Really Die?

During Batman Arkham Asylum Batman chases Scarcrow down into the sewers and killer croc comes and and grabs Scarecrow then dives back into the water. That is the last we see of Scarecrow. Also during an alternate ending of Batman Arkam Asylum we can see scarecrow climb up a Titan box in the river. During Arkham City There is an easter egg of  Scarecrows mask on the ground. ( Riddle: If your scared, dont be afraid to crow about it) Also there is fear gas containers in varios parts of the city. And there are strange radio transmissions that are belived to be from Scarecrow that say revenge plans like City of Fear. But yet we have not seen any physical apearance of the Scarecrow since the inccident
 with  Killer Croc back at the asylum.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Rocksteady Making a Prequel for Batman?

 Rumor has it that rocksteady is going to make a prequel of Batman Arkham city Featuring the silver age of where it first began between the Joker and Batman's first meeting together. I think that this is a awesome idea for The batman games but I also feel that this is a little too sonn for a prequel and that there is way too many unanswered questions about the future of arkham. For example, What happened with Hush and Bruce wayne.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Young Justice: Legacy

This is another new game coming from Dc and this game features the future of dc universe and its up to all of the new, young and upcoming super heros to save the world from Riddler, Bane, Killer Frost, and blockbuster. Some playable super heros are Beast Boy, Robin Nightwing, Miss Martian and Super Boy. Most of the newer super heros are the children of the more known super heros.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Justice League Heroes

Justice League Heroes is a clasic PS2 video game that feutures all the members of the Justice League like Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter Batman, Superman, Flash, and Wonder Woman. This game is played through a third person veiw and there is always two charaters playable at a time. This game is also now obtainable through the PS Vita under PS one classic section on the playstation network.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters

Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters is a recent game that was made for all systems like the Wii, Xbox 360, PS3 etc. This  game is brought to us by Dc. During gameplay of this game, Green lantern himself fights his way thhrough robotic warriors and many other fericios battlers to obtain victory. Green Lanterns main weapon is a  powereful ring that he wears to get power and energy to win his fight in any way he can think of.   

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Injustice: Gods Among Us

This is the Newest game from dc featuring all of your favorite dc superheos such baman, Superman, Flash and grean lantern. Also all of your favotite brutal vilains such as Joker and solomon grundy. This is an RPG style video game. During the game there is a story mode and free play with the character of choice.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Batman Arkham City: Game of the Year Edition.

Batman Arkham City: Game of the Year Edition. is the newest edition of Batman Arkham City. This awesome new game consist of all character DLCs such as Catwoman,Nightwing and Robin. Also you get all of the downloadable maps such as the Batcave. Last, you get amazing final chapter, Harley Quinns Revenge.

I recently picked this up for $19.99 off of during the black friday deals event.

Samsung Chromebook

The Samsung Chromebook is newest laptop that samsung has released. This is one of the best laptops going at $249.99 and it powered by Google. I am hoping to get this for Christmas Because I would really love a new laptop.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Ipad Mini

 The Ipad Mini is going to be to newest Apple device to come to stores all around the world. Although it is smaller it is well worth the price compared to the ipad 3 which is $529.99 while the Ipad mini which is $329.99. I feel the it is very balanced out for the quality and the price.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Is Clayface dead or Immortal?

During the final cutscene of Batman Arkham City Joker blows up the floor where Clayface and Batman are battling. Batman and Clayface then fall to the ground and battle some more. After batman defeats clayface. Clayface is cut in half, frozen and beaten lifeless infront of the Lazurus pit. Then Batman later throws his sword aiming it at joker but hiting the eletrical sattelite platform and knocking it down ramming it into clayface. This then knocks Clayfaces clay carcus right into the lazurus pit.

My Theory

I think that in the next game clayface will be back in the next game and he will be unstoppable, working alongside with ras al ghul as one of the main villains.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Did the Joker Really Die?


At the end of Batman Arkham City you will come to a amazing ending to the one of Batmans greatest foes. You would think that joker would be a dumb clown but when he pulls off greatest trick on the world greatest detective. You will find out how much you underestimated his powers. Turns out that the Joker that you thought you new was really just clayface getting the "Role of a lifetime". Clayface made it seem that the Joker was never sick and would transform into a healthy Joker.

Now Did the Joker Really Die?
Here are some intereting reasons to make you might think oherwise.

1. After the game during regular gameplay you can over here some thugs say 'hey if there was two Jokers how do we know that there is not a third"

2. During the Harley Quinns Revenge DLC You also here some thugs talking and one of them ask 'hey how do we know that it wasnt clayface that Batman carried out the theater that night.'

3. During the Final cutscene of the game Joker is standing on top of something eletrical and batman throws his sword at the Joker knocks it down and knocking clayface into the lazurus pit. Batman had had the cure in his left hand then an explosin happens and batman blacks out. He later wakes up and finds the the cure is in his right hand and looks at it wondering. My theory is that Joker Quickly got the cure put it back in the wrong hand of batman and made it sound like he was about to die and needed and then faked his death.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Coby Kyros

The coby kyros is a 7 inch tablet that is very good for something that is cheap and affordable yet well working and efficient for all uses.On the Coby Kyros you can play games free, set up email so you can easily check it. Also it has a very fast internet browser that can also handle video very well.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Batman Arkham City: Easter Eggs

Easter Eggs

Throughout the awesome video game Batman Arkham City there are so many diferent, interesting easter eggs. Some of them are mind blowing and others are very casual. Alot of the easter eggs in Batman lead to a clue to somthing that could happen in the next game .

Easter eggs- They are hints or clues to something or somone that may occur in th next game.

My personal favorite easter egg is durring the side mission the Identity Theif. In this mision you have to be on the lookout for decesed bodies with cut up faces. Then scan for evidence that leads to a clue about the killer in some way. After gathering enough clues you finnaly find the killers hideout and see who they are. You find out that the killer behind the victims faces torn off is Hush. Hush gathered these faces to make the exact  face of bruce wayne to try and get revenge on him for what he has done to him the past. After finding out what he has done Batman says " I am going to gotham city to look for hush"

This is my favorite easter egg because Batman trying to put Hush in jail and hush looking exaxtly like Bruce Wayne could be the main plot for the next game. ( If the next game is not a pre-quel)

Friday, October 26, 2012

Call Of Duty Black Ops: Declassified: Expectations

When call of duty comes to the ps vita there are alot of awesome features that I would love to see when it releases on october 30th. They are:

1) A fun use of the touch screen without tough uses like shooting.
2) A fun story line that make sense( not like ds)
3) A very similar diplay to ps3. Not many diference in gameplay.
4) No new controls. Trigger shoots, analog moves player and definelty an first person shooter.
5) And maybe some vibrations through the system  that makes it feel as if you were playing the same system such as ps3.(rumble support)

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Batman Arkham Asylum

Batman Arkham Asylum is the prequel to Batman Arkhan city. In this game Batman faces many challenges dealing with the Joker, Scarecrow, Harley Quinn, Zsask, Killer Croc, Bane and Poisin Ivy. The main plot of the story
 is that joker has intentionally got himself arested
 so that can take over the asylum and all of it insane
 criminals living there so joker can rule arkham Island.
Also there are other problems involving a formula
called titan that can be very dangerous. Titan can make
any normal person into a destructive lunatic monster
just like the way Bane is.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012



Blogger is a fun bloging site from google that I use very often to express the things that I enjoy and think that are entertaining to me. I personally enjoy and look foward to to writing a new blog each and every day. I dont care about how many pageviews I have and I dont care if people think what Im interested in is just plain stupid because I enjoy it.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Gameboy Player

The Gameboy player is a very unique and interesting base item to keep at the bottom of the gamecube system. The Gameboy player allows you to stick any gameboy cartridge in to the slot on the player and the game is intantly playable on you tv. I think that this item is vey usefull and helpful because it make gaming unique and fun for everyone. Lets say that your gameboy is broken. Then you can just play the gameboy game on the gameboy player!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Nintendo 64

The nintendo 64 was released in 1994 and was really really awesome. you could play a ton of different video games like pokemon stadium, pokemon stadium 2, Starfox 64, and all diferent kinds on madden games and diferent sports games from basketball, baseball and hockey.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Call of Duty Black ops: Declassified

 Call of Duty Black ops: Declassified is the newest video game
Coming to the Playstation Vita and it is the first Call of Duty game ever to release on the Playstation Vita. This game is going to be awesome and availble to buy on October 30th in stores. Also this will be eligible to play with people on the Playstation Network online. I think that the ps vita doesnt have too many good games to play and that the new COD game that is coming out will be the
 perfect way to make the vita more playable and fun.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Gameboys in the World

There are seven different gameboys that were realeased by nintendo from 1991 to 2006 and they were:

The original Gameboy

The Gameboy Pocket

The Gameboy light[only released in Japan]

Gameboy color

The Gameboy Advance

The Gameboy SP
The Gameboy Micro

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Apple Products

Apple Picture

Apple has been around since april 1, 1976 and is still going strong for 36 years making:




and Ipads

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Call of Duty Black Ops 2

Call of duty black ops is the newest call of duty game made by activision. It is due to realease on november 11, 2012 and it is based on black opps but 25 years in the future after blacks ops. This game will be realeased on:
Xbox 360
Nintendo Wii U
PC Download
PlayStation 3
And the editions are:
Edition: Standard
Hardened Edition

Friday, October 5, 2012

Playstation 3

The playstation is a home entertamiant system that is played all over the world. Playstation has over 10,000 software games made on the system. Also one of the best things about the playstation is the online service is phenominal and the service is free and you dont have to pay for it. On the online you can freind, message and invite freinds to your games, Finally, you can also hook up a microphone and talk to anyone you want.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. is a website that is used for uploading and viewing videos. This website is uesd by over 1.2 billion people a day and it has any sort of video you can think of that is  posted by many diferent people from all over the world. Also tou can rate and comment on any video to either help or critic a persons video.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

PS Vita

The ps vita is a portable gaming system that literally allows you to take your playstation on the road. You can play alot of really old psp classic games to brand new ps vita games availble. There is an hd touch screen and many other exciting things to do on the system.

Monday, October 1, 2012


Google is a search engine that is used all over the world by almost 2 billion people day. People all over the world search about so many different things ranging from basic to unique searches that no would even think of. [ For example i just googled how many people use google a day]

Friday, September 28, 2012

Batman Arkham City

Batman Arkam city is a game about a superhero named Batman and he has to fight crime in the super prison known as Arkham city. Some of the villains that he has to fight are Joker,Harley quinn, Penguin, Riddler,  Hugo strange, Ras al gul, Zzask, Two-Face, Bane, Dead-Shot, Solomon Grundy, Poisin Ivy, Mad-Hatter, Mr.Freeze, Scarecrow, Killer croc, Calendarman, Clayface and Hush.In the end Batman prevails over all of the obstacles that all of the villains dish out to him throughtout the game and batman beats up all of the crime.